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Hear u will find a number of care sheets made bye members

garter & ribbon snake care
CAPTIVE CARE SHEET SPECIES: Garter Snakes and Ribbon Snakes

Thamnophis Spp


This group of snakes, are small, growing on average to about 3ft. They are slender and fast and will calm down with handling. If the correct guidelines are followed they are a good beginners snake.

DISTRIBUTION: North and Central America.

HOUSING: This can be virtually any type of tank provided that it is TOTALLY escape proof. 24"x 12"x 12"is adequate for a trio of adults. They appreciate greenery to explore plus lots of hiding places and things to climb on, over and through. Substrate for the tank can be large wood or bark chippings or newspaper.

Temperature: A gradient is needed, a warmed 25-30C(77-86F) and a cool end of 15-20C ( 59-68F). If half the tank has a heat mat and the other half is clear than the above is easily achieved. a light bulb over the warm end provides light and a basking area.

Water: a fairly large bowl is appreciated, as they do like to swim. If the bowl is in a hide it is used more frequently. The rest of the tank should be kept dry otherwise the snakes may develop sores and blisters.

DIET: Virtually anything that they can get in they're months. Pinkies, lancefish, Whitebait, earthworms plus tinned cat food and dog food. There is garter snake food on the market but some snakes will not eat it. If defrosted fish and earthworms are the only food source then vitamins and calcium are needed. Frozen fish contains thiamine, which destroys Vitamin B, and if extra vitamin B is not given the snake can and will die. A pinch of Nutrobal or similar over each meal will prevent this.

BREEDING: As with all snakes a pair is recommended for breeding however it is possible that you may have purchased a gravid(pregnant) female. Adult males are smaller 18-24"(45-60cm) with longer tails. Females are of a heavier build and longer 24-36"(60-90cm). There are always exceptions so probing by a professional is recommended.

Some of the subspecies will require hibernating to induce breeding in the spring. Live young are born 3-4 months after mating. These need to be removed as soon as possible as the adults may eat them. Garter snakes can have 5-80 per litter, though less than 20 is more normal.

HABITS: This is an active and inquisitive snake that will often watch you as much as you watch it. They appear to enjoy exploring greenery, toilet roll tubes, boxes and any other hides. if clean peat is put in the tank they will often burrow into it. They are expert escape artists fitting through holes that appear too small and tend to be found in the most amazing places.

Water Moniter:
Well Water Moniter eat different stuff always meats but when they are babies they eat like crickets well they eat more but to have them grow very fast and very healthy feed them crickets alone. When they get bigger its ok to feed them mice, chicken, etc. The only thing I say is dont feed them like shrimp they will like it so much they will quit eating everything but shrimp and if they do that then you will have a very expensive moniter.
Depends on the type the one I am getting Salvator get up to 9 feet.
Babies need a 20-30 gallon tank but when they are bigger just think they need a tank to move around in.
Theyre names are water moniters which meens they like water so take them swimming and you MUST put them in the water for like 2 hours about every day or every other day that way they are fully hydrated.
Well just make sure you get it tame before it grows up and also keep in mind they eat alot.

igguana care sheet
Ok this is for Iguanas.

One main thing is that iguanas grow up and hit the sexually maturity point and become agressive so beware of that before you go and buy one. Also they grow very big and live about 15-20 years of age they grow about 4-6 feet if they are females and 5-7 if they are males, the length is mostly they're tail so you have to watch out for it cause when you piss it off it will whip you and it hurts like hell. Ok also about the size they grow you are gonna need a home for them unless you want gross iguana poop all over so you need to build a cage big enough for a six foot iguana to move its body around although it doesnt get very thick it gets long so you need the cage tall enough for it to climb. Ok with all that information here is a food chart it is very good so take a look at it.

The Iguana Diet %